Saturday, July 20, 2013

advanced babies

Sweet potatoes, mini bananas, Baby Mum Mums and baby oatmeal.  These are what my boy E will eat.  I've made pureed peas, green beans, squash, avocado and and let him suck on watermelon and all have caused gagging and in most cases he threw up whatever he just ate.  I thought I had a strong gag reflex.

He is so not going to join the baby led weaning (BLW) club any time soon.  I find it hard to believe that giving your baby chunks of food and letting them fend for themselves is that safe.  Just my opinion.  I haven't done a ton of research, but I would think that starting with broken-down (steamed and pureed) simple foods is a better start for little tummies than a hunk of last night's pork chops and salad.  I mean really, all they're doing is sucking the fatty juices out of the meat, right?  Unless babies nowadays can chew meat with their gums...because babies are much more advanced these days, aren't they?  They should be STTN after their grown up meal and pooping gold in their darling cloth diapers that cover their coconut oil-covered hiney.

Tomorrow I'm baking some apples and peaches and whipping them up in hopes he may like these too.  My husband thinks he will go directly to pizza and cheeseburgers when a he gets a tooth or two.  The baby is just biding his time with the boob.  Speaking of which, I'm getting tired of bf-ing but other than selfish reasons of being tired of pumping and hard, leaky boobs, I have no real reason to stop.  I have boob-guilt.

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